Instant News and Commentaries
DJIA Closes Rallying 260 Pts; S&P 500 Sets New Closing High; SMCI Plummets 12%

Strong US economic data confirmed a 3% GDP growth in 2Q, and core PCE price growth was also confirmed to have slowed to 2.8%. The three major US stock indexes performed well on Thursday, with the S&P 500 hitting a new closing high, while the Nasdaq's gains narrowed to less than 1%.

The S&P 500 closed up 23 points, or 0.4%, at 5,745. The DJIA closed 260 points, or 0.6%, higher at 42,175. The Nasdaq hiked 108 points, or 0.6%, to close at 18,190.

Benefiting from AI demand, Micron (MU.US)'s last FQ earnings exceeded expectations. Its stock price surged 14.7% throughout the day. Other chip stocks also delivered encouraging performance. NVIDIA (NVDA.US) narrowed its gains to 0.4%. AMD (AMD.US) swelled 3.4%. Intel (INTC.US) and Broadcom (QCOM.US) climbed 1-2%.

Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US) plunged 12.2% amid reports that the US Department of Justice launched an investigation into the company.

Heavyweight stocks showed varying trends. Tesla (TSLA.US) dropped 1.1%. Microsoft (MSFT.US) edged down 0.2%. Apple (AAPL.US) inched up 0.5%.

Chinese concept stocks gained traction. Alibaba (BABA.US) rocketed 10%. (JD.US) surged 14.4%. XPeng (XPEV.US) also escalated 11.9%.

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紐約2024年9月26日 /美通社/ -- 近日,中興通訊副總裁陳志萍受邀出席由國際電信聯盟(ITU)和聯合國開發計劃署(UNDP)在聯合國總部舉辦的可持續發展目標數字(SDG Digital)活動,並在「萬物共享數字未來」(A Digital Future For All)論壇上發表主題演講,表達了公司持續致力於促進全球有意義連接和數字化轉型的承諾,積極推動實現聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs)的行動舉措,並分享了公司通過數智技術保護生物多樣性的實踐經驗。


「萬物共享數字未來」(A Digital Future For All)論壇由聯合國秘書長技術事務特使辦公室(OSET)、國際電信聯盟(ITU)和聯合國開發計劃署(UNDP)聯合舉辦。作為聯合國峰會未來行動日(Summit of the Future Action Days)的數字專題活動,該論壇為所有利益相關方帶來了前瞻性承諾,探討了如何以更包容、更安全和更可持續的方式利用好創新、科學和數據,旨在引導各方共同努力,推動數字技術帶來更可持續、更包容和更負責任的發展未來。



陳志萍表示:「中興通訊在全球範圍內積極開展數智技術保護生物多樣性行動。在奧地利,公司聯合奧地利和記Drei Austria和IoT40,開展5G Bee-o-Meter項目研究和試點,利用5G技術改善蜜蜂的生存環境;在中國四川,推出了全球首個大熊貓保護5G消息應用 -『熊貓駕到』(Panda's coming),助力棲息地保護和巡護員日常工作開展。此外,作為國際電信聯盟(ITU)首批數字聯盟(Partner2Connect)領軍者,中興通訊致力於在最不發達國家(LDCs)、內陸發展中國家(LLDC)和小島嶼發展中國家(SIDS)推動數字化轉型和有意義連接,助力彌合全球數字鴻溝。」


此外,陳志萍還應邀出席「可持續發展目標數字變革者大獎頒獎典禮」和「可持續發展目標數字行動總結會議:推進使命向前」等系列活動,並在交流中進一步分享了中興通訊引領數字化倡議方面的實踐。例如,中興通訊近期攜手Orange利比裡亞完成首個農村網絡項目「Enhance Rural Area」,通過建設128個Rural EcoSites通信站點,為當地提供低成本、易部署、快速安裝、綠色環保的網絡服務,解決了常規方案難以覆蓋的偏遠區域網絡連接問題,使超過58萬農村地區用戶將受益於增強的數字、金融和能源普惠服務,為利比裡亞乃至整個非洲的數字未來奠定了堅實的基礎。




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ZTE strengthens commitment to advancing a sustainable digital future for all at UN Summit of the Future

  • ZTE Vice President Summer Chen was invited to deliver a keynote speech at SDG Digital "A Digital Future for All" at United Nations Headquarters
  • ZTE reinforces its strong commitment to advancing meaningful global connectivity and digital transformation, and to accelerating progress on the UNSDGs

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a global leading provider of integrated information and communication technology solutions, recently announced that Summer Chen, Vice President at ZTE, was invited to participate in SDG Digital and delivered a keynote speech at "A Digital Future for All" at United Nations Headquarters. During her speech, Ms.Chen shared ZTE's global efforts to leverage digital technologies for biodiversity protection, and articulated the company's strong commitment to advancing meaningful global connectivity and digital transformation, while actively promoting initiatives aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ZTE Vice President Summer Chen delivered a keynote speech at SDG Digital "A Digital Future for All"
ZTE Vice President Summer Chen delivered a keynote speech at SDG Digital "A Digital Future for All"

"A Digital Future for All" is the digital track of the Summit of the Future Action Days. Convened by the Office of the Special Envoy on Technology (OSET), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the digital track has brought forward-looking commitments from all stakeholders to harness innovation, science and data in a more inclusive, safe and sustainable manner, advancing a collective vision for leveraging digital technologies to deliver a more sustainable, inclusive, and responsible future.

In Summer Chen's address, she emphasized that ZTE, in collaboration with Sanjiangyuan National Park, China Mobile Qinghai Branch, and China Tower, navigated extreme natural conditions and technical challenges to deliver a comprehensive telecommunication solution for Kekexili Nature Reserve, featuring high-capacity microwave technology, base stations and long-distance coverage. This initiative successfully established the first 5G base station at Zhuonai Lake Protection Station, enabling real-time monitoring of Tibetan antelope births and enhancing communication for guardians in challenging environments. The advancement also opens new possibilities for future environmental protection, ecological monitoring, scientific expeditions, and innovative management of protected areas.

The 5G base station has opened new possibilities for biodiversity protection in Kekexili
The 5G base station has opened new possibilities for biodiversity protection in Kekexili

"ZTE is actively engaging in biodiversity protection initiatives worldwide," Ms. Chen stated. "In Austria, we partnered with Drei Austria and IoT40 on the 5G Bee-o-Meter project to enhance the survival environment for bees. In Sichuan Province, China, we have rolled out Panda's Coming, the world's first panda protection 5G Messaging application to aid in habitat conservation and the daily work of rangers. Furthermore, as one of the first ITU P2C Champions, ZTE is dedicated to promoting digital transformation and meaningful connectivity in least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), and small island developing states (SIDS), helping to bridge the global digital divide."

ZTE Vice President Summer Chen took a photo with ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin
ZTE Vice President Summer Chen took a photo with ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Additionally, Summer Chen was invited to attend the "SDG Digital GameChangers Award Ceremony" and "SDG Digital Debrief Session: Moving the Mission Forward". During these events, she further shared ZTE's initiatives in leading digital transformation worldwide. One notable initiative is ZTE's recent collaboration with Orange Liberia to successfully complete its first rural network project, "Enhance Rural Area". This project has established 128 Rural EcoSites in Liberia, providing low-cost, easy-to-deploy and environmentally friendly (solar-powered) network services to locals, and effectively addressing connectivity issues in remote areas where conventional network solutions failed. As a result, over 580,000 rural users now benefit from enhanced digital, financial, and energy services, laying a solid foundation for the digital future of Liberia and Africa as a whole.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Global Electronics Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), ZTE remains committed to its vision "To Enable Connectivity and Trust Everywhere". The company strives to bridge the global digital divide by upholding the principle of Tech for All and driving digital innovations, thereby contributing new momentum toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

ZTE Corporation
Email: [email protected]

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美國舊金山和中國蘇州2024年9月26日 /美通社/ -- 信達生物製藥集團(香港聯交所股票代碼:01801),一家致力於研發、生產和銷售腫瘤、自身免疫、代謝及心血管、眼科等重大疾病領域創新藥物的生物製藥公司宣佈:匹康奇拜單抗注射液(重組抗白介素23p19亞基(IL-23p19)抗體,研發代號:IBI112)的新藥上市申請(NDA)已獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)藥品審評中心(CDE)受理,用於治療中重度斑塊狀銀屑病。匹康奇拜單抗是全球首個註冊III期臨床首要研究終點第16周達到PASI 90的受試者比例突破80%的IL-23p19抗體藥物,同時在同類生物藥中具有最長的維持期給藥間隔(每12週一次),有望為中國中重度斑塊狀銀屑病患者帶來皮損清除、生活質量改善和用藥便利性提升等多方面的綜合獲益。

此次NDA受理是基於一項在中國中重度斑塊狀銀屑病受試者中開展的III期註冊臨床研究CLEAR-1(NCT05645627)的積極結果。該研究於2024年5月順利達成主要研究終點和全部關鍵次要研究終點,研究顯示匹康奇拜單抗組達成皮損清除(PASI 90、PASI 75、PASI 100、sPGA 0/1和sPGA 0)和生活質量改善(DLQI 0/1)的受試者比例均顯著優於安慰劑組。研究治療期間,匹康奇拜單抗整體安全性良好,未發現新的安全性信號。CLEAR-1研究的詳細數據計劃將在未來學術大會和學術期刊上公佈。




銀屑病是一種遺傳與環境共同作用,免疫介導的慢性、復發性、炎症性、系統性疾病,可發生於各年齡段,無性別差異。典型臨床表現為鱗屑性紅斑或斑塊,局限或廣泛分佈,無傳染性,治療困難,常罹患終身。銀屑病可以分為尋常型銀屑病(包括點滴狀銀屑病和斑塊型銀屑病)、膿皰型銀屑病、紅皮型銀屑病及關節病型銀屑病。其中斑塊型銀屑病占80~90%,30%左右為中重度。銀屑病患病率在世界各地有顯著差異,中國患者約在700萬以上。目前在中國,主要系統性藥物治療方法包括甲氨蝶呤(Methotrexate,MTX)、環孢素(Cyclosporine A)、維A酸類、生物制劑類。自2019年開始,中國銀屑病治療逐漸進入生物制劑時代。以IL-23抑制劑為代表的創新生物制劑具有精準度高、起效快、療效高、安全性好、作用持久等特點,在全面深度清除皮損、延長無復發時間方面更具優勢。




  • 在中重度銀屑病患者中開展的註冊III期臨床研究(CLEAR-1),已於2024年5月達成終點;
  • 在中重度銀屑病患者中開展的隨機撤藥再治療的III期臨床研究;
  • 在中重度銀屑病患者中開展的生物制劑治療轉匹康奇拜單抗治療的II期臨床研究;
  • 在中重度活動性潰瘍性結腸炎患者中開展的II期臨床研究;




公司已與禮來、羅氏、賽諾菲、Adimab、Incyte和MD Anderson 癌症中心等國際合作方達成30多項戰略合作。信達生物在不斷自研創新藥物、謀求自身發展的同時,秉承經濟建設以人民為中心的發展思想。多年來,始終心懷科學善念,堅守「以患者為中心」,心繫患者並關注患者家庭,積極履行社會責任。公司陸續發起、參與了多項藥品公益援助項目,讓越來越多的患者能夠得益於生命科學的進步,買得到、用得起高質量的生物藥。至2023年底,信達生物患者援助項目已惠及17余萬普通患者,藥物捐贈總價值34億元人民幣。信達生物希望和大家一起努力,提高中國生物製藥產業的發展水平,以滿足百姓用藥可及性和人民對生命健康美好願望的追求。

詳情請訪問公司網站 或公司領英賬號。 





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Innovent Announces NMPA Acceptance of NDA for Picankibart (Anti-IL-23p19 Antibody) for Treating Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis

SAN FRANCISCO and SUZHOU, China, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovent Biologics, Inc. ("Innovent") (HKEX: 01801), a world-class biopharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and commercializes high-quality medicines for the treatment of oncology, autoimmune, cardiovascular and metabolic, ophthalmology and other major diseases, announces that the New Drug Application (NDA) for picankibart injection, a recombinant anti-interleukin 23p19 subunit (IL-23p19) antibody, has been accepted by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Picankibart is the first IL-23p19 antibody drug to show over 80% of subjects achieving PASI 90 after 16 weeks of treatment in a registrational Phase 3 clinical trial. It also offers the longest maintenance dosing interval (once every 12 weeks) among the same class of biologics. Picankibart is expected to deliver comprehensive benefits, including skin lesion clearance, improved medication convenience and enhanced quality of life for Chinese patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

This NDA acceptance is based on positive results from the Phase 3 registrational clinical study CLEAR-1 (NCT05645627) in Chinese patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The study successfully met its primary and all key secondary endpoints in May 2024, showing significantly higher rates of skin lesion clearance (PASI 90, PASI 75, PASI 100, sPGA 0/1, and sPGA 0) and quality of life improvement (DLQI 0/1) in the picankibart group compared to placebo. Picankibart showed a favorable safety profile, with no new safety signals. Detailed data from the CLEAR-1 study will be presented at future academic conferences and published in academic journals.

Professor Yulin Shi, the principal investigator of the clinical study, Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital, stated, "Psoriasis is a chronic, incurable disease that impacts both the physical and mental health, as well as the quality of life, of patients. Selecting effective treatment options is essential for managing the condition, reducing comorbidities, sustaining long-term therapeutic benefits, and improving overall quality of life. Evidence indicates that IL-23p19-targeted antibodies offer advantages in maintaining long-term efficacy and treatment convenience, which Picankibart has clearly demonstrated in clinical trials. Along with fellow investigators in the study, I'm proud of its NDA submission in China, and we are hopeful for the approval of picankibart to benefit Chinese patients with psoriasis."

Dr. Lei Qian, Vice President of Clinical Development of Innovent, stated, "We are honored to have received the regulatory acceptance of the NDA for picankibart, thanks to dedication of participants, investigators and regulatory authorities. This marks the first IL-23p19 antibody drug independently developed by a Chinese enterprise to submit an NDA in China. Considering its efficacy, safety, and long-interval maintenance dosing, picankibart demonstrates best-in-class potential. We will maintain active communication with regulatory authorities during the NDA review, aiming to provide a safe and effective treatment option for Chinese patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. Meanwhile, we emphasis on product lifecycle management and will validate more clinical value of picankibart in multiple clinical studies and hope to fulfill unmet needs for patients that have developed drug-resistance or relapse. Innovent continues to expand its innovative portfolio in ophthalmology, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular and metabolic (CVM) conditions, with the aim to help more people achieve healthier lives."

About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory and systemic disease included by genetic and environmental factors, affecting individuals of all ages and genders. It typically presents as scaly erythema or plaques, with non-infections, localized or widespread distribution. As a life-long noninfectious condition, psoriasis is notoriously difficult to treat. The disease can be categorized into psoriasis vulgaris (including guttate psoriasis and plaque psoriasis), pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis and arthropathic psoriasis. Approximately 80%~90% of patients have plaque psoriasis, with nearly 30% of the cases being moderate to severe. Global psoriasis prevalence varies significantly, with over 7 million patients in China alone. Current systemic treatments in China include methotrexate (MTX), cyclosporine A, retinoic acids and biological agents. Since 2019, biologics have become a central focus in psoriasis treatment, with IL-23 inhibitors standing out due to their rapid onset, robust efficacy, good safety, and long-lasting effects, which are more advantageous in comprehensive and deep lesion clearance and prolonging relapse-free periods.

About Picankibart (IBI112)

Picankibart (IBI112) is a monoclonal antibody independently developed by Innovent with proprietary intellectual property rights. This product specifically targets the IL-23p19 subunit, preventing IL-23 from binding to cell surface receptors. Picankibart has the potential to offer a more effective treatment option for patients with psoriasis, ulcerative colitis or other autoimmune diseases.

Currently, multiple clinical studies of Picankibart are underway, including:

  • Phase 3 study conducted in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (CLEAR-1), which has reached the study endpoints in May 2024;
  • Phase 3 study conducted in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis with randomized withdrawal and re-treatment;
  • Phase 2 study in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who were previously treated with biologics;
  • Phase 2 study in patients with moderate to severe active ulcerative colitis;

In September 2024, the NMPA accepted the first NDA for picankibart for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

About Innovent

Innovent is a leading biopharmaceutical company founded in 2011 with the mission to empower patients worldwide with affordable, high-quality biopharmaceuticals. The company discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes innovative medicines that target some of the most intractable diseases. Its pioneering therapies treat cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic, autoimmune and eye diseases. Innovent has launched 11 products in the market. It has 3 new drug applications under regulatory review, 4 assets in Phase III or pivotal clinical trials and 18 more molecules in early clinical stage. Innovent partners with over 30 global healthcare companies, including Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Incyte, Adimab, LG Chem and MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Guided by the motto, "Start with Integrity, Succeed through Action," Innovent maintains the highest standard of industry practices and works collaboratively to advance the biopharmaceutical industry so that first-rate pharmaceutical drugs can become widely accessible. For more information, visit, or follow Innovent on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Statement: Innovent does not recommend the use of any unapproved drug (s)/indication (s).

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This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend" and similar expressions, as they relate to Innovent, are intended to identify certain of such forward-looking statements. Innovent does not intend to update these forward-looking statements regularly.

These forward-looking statements are based on the existing beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, projections and understandings of the management of Innovent with respect to future events at the time these statements are made. These statements are not a guarantee of future developments and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond Innovent's control and are difficult to predict. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of future changes or developments in our business, Innovent's competitive environment and political, economic, legal and social conditions.

Innovent, the Directors and the employees of Innovent assume (a) no obligation to correct or update the forward-looking statements contained in this site; and (b) no liability in the event that any of the forward-looking statements does not materialize or turn out to be incorrect.

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Kerry Logistics Network Receives ESG Achievement Awards for the Third Year Running

HONG KONG, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics Network', 'KLN'; Stock Code 0636.HK) was delighted to receive the ESG Benchmark Award – Silver Award and the Outstanding Sustainability Dividend Award at the ESG Achievement Awards 2023/2024 (the 'Awards'), which marked the third consecutive year that KLN has been recognised by the Awards for its exceptional Environmental, Social and Governance ('ESG') and sustainability performance.

KLN was commended for its management of ESG practices, in addition to its inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness in achieving sustainability, as well as governing accountability, completeness in reporting data, and management of country and industry risks.

Ellis Cheng, Executive Director and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee of Kerry Logistics Network, said, "We are grateful for the Awards' recognition of our commitment to upholding the highest standards of ESG practices and the progresses we have made in putting sustainable logistics solutions in action. We are constantly endeavouring to grow the reach and expanse of our environmental and social initiatives as we adjust our sustainability strategies. In 2023, we completed the first phase of our climate risk assessment and developed a sophisticated tool that helps us analyse our emissions data and identify hotspots for reducing our areas of highest impact. Going forward, we will continue our efforts in generating long-term value for our stakeholders, the environment and society at large, and in working towards our goal of pursuing responsible and positive business growth with our business partners."

Now in its fourth edition, the Awards are organised annually by the Institute of ESG & Benchmark (IESGB). With "Driving Positive Change: Innovations in Sustainable Practices and Responsible Risk Management" as the focus and theme this year, the Awards celebrate organisations and professionals who bring about positive transformation through their sustainable practices.

About Kerry Logistics Network Limited (Stock Code 0636.HK)

Kerry Logistics Network is an Asia-based, global 3PL with a highly diversified business portfolio and extensive coverage in Asia. It offers a broad range of supply chain solutions from integrated logistics, international freight forwarding (air, ocean, road, rail and multimodal) and e-commerce to industrial project logistics and infrastructure investment.

With a global presence across 60 countries and territories, Kerry Logistics Network has established a solid foothold in half of the world's emerging markets. Its diverse infrastructure, extensive coverage in international gateways and local expertise span across the Mainland of China, India, Southeast Asia, the CIS, Middle East, LATAM and other locations.

Kerry Logistics Network generated a revenue of over HK$47.4 billion in 2023. It is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index.

About The Institute of ESG & Benchmark

The Institute of ESG & Benchmark (IESGB) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2020, which endeavours to elevate stakeholders' awareness and knowledge towards Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) across all industry sectors. By organising ESG relevant trainings and events, IESGB hopes to lead and strengthen the ESG standards and development in Hong Kong and Asia.

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香港2024年9月26日 /美通社/ -- 嘉里物流聯網有限公司(「嘉里物流聯網」;股份代號0636.HK)在環境、社會及管治,以至可持續發展方面的卓越表現連續第三年獲得環境、社會及企業管治成就大獎2023/2024(「該獎項」)的認可,榮獲環境、社會、企業管治領袖銀獎,以及傑出持續派息獎兩大獎項。







嘉里物流聯網有限公司於2023 年全年收入超過 474 億港元,於香港聯合交易所上市,並是恒生可持續發展企業基準指數成份股。


環境社會企業管治及基準學會(The Institute of ESG & Benchmark,IESGB)是一家於2020年在香港成立的非牟利機構,目標是提升來自各行業的持股人對環境、社會、企業管治的關注及認識。透過舉辦環境、社會、企業管治相關的訓練及活動,IESGB希望領導並加強全港對於環境、社會、企業管治的標準和發展。

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DJIA Closes Down 293 Pts Ending 4D Winning Streak, But Hits New Intraday Highs with S&P 500

US stocks rose before waning. Both the DJIA and S&P 500 hit new highs on Wednesday. The DJIA busted above the peak to reach as high as 42,299 early on, but eventually closed down 293 points, or 0.7%, at 41,914, ending a four-day winning streak. The S&P 500 climbed to a new high of 5,741, but closed down 10 points, or 0.2%, at 5,722. The Nasdaq edged up 7 points, closing at 18,082.

Tech stocks continued to be the market's focal point. NVIDIA (NVDA.US) performed robustly, rallying 2.2% for the day. Barclays upgraded Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE.US)'s rating, citing the company's strong data center demand as the catalyst for its stock price. Hewlett Packard Enterprise surged 5%.

The energy sector spearheaded the decline due to falling US crude oil futures. Chevron (CVX.US) plunged more than 2%.

General Motors (GM.US) and Ford Motor (F.US) were downgraded by Morgan Stanley in light of increased competition from China and weakening US consumer demand. Their stock prices dived around 5% and 4%, respectively.

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Sinopec Maps A Low-Carbon Roadmap to Promote Green Transformation through Innovation and Industry-Education Cooperation

BEIJING, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, "Sinopec") co-hosted the 2024 Tsinghua University Forum on Carbon Neutral Economy ("the Forum") with Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, renowned experts and scholars joined discussions centering on green energy, technology innovation, and mutually beneficial cooperation to explore the low-carbon transformation path and look into the prospects of green development.

Sinopec Maps A Low-Carbon Roadmap to Promote Green Transformation through Innovation and Industry-Education Cooperation.
Sinopec Maps A Low-Carbon Roadmap to Promote Green Transformation through Innovation and Industry-Education Cooperation.

Ma Yongsheng, chairman of Sinopec, presented a keynote speech at the opening of the Forum that advancing green development to build harmonious relationships between people and nature is growing to be a distinct highlight of China's path to modernization. Sinopec has been awarded the title of "China's Low-Carbon Role Model" for 13 years in a row, making it an energy and chemical company that has won the greatest number of such awards.

"Sinopec is vigorously implementing a green and low-carbon development strategy, formulating an action plan to achieve carbon peaking, while promoting fossil energy and scaling up clean energy operations, and we are also decarbonizing the entire production processes," noted Ma. "We understand deeply that the green, low-carbon industry boasts tremendous potential in the next 30 years, and we can take the lead through technological innovation and building the ecosystem with our partners. Sinopec is committed to lead as a pioneer of the industry and promote technological innovation as well as open cooperation to pave the way for industry transformation and development."

Li Luming, president of Tsinghua University, remarked that colleges and universities are a key hub that connects the primary productive forces, talent resources, and innovations, and they are to shoulder more responsibilities and play a greater role in carrying out "Dual-Carbon" strategies. Looking ahead, Tsinghua University will integrate talent training and education, scientific research, and transformation to further deepen cooperation with all sectors and make greater contributions to building a greener and more sustainable future for all.

The Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program ("the Program") co-hosted by Sinopec and Tsinghua University was inaugurated at the Forum, which aims to build a multi-disciplinary, cross-sector platform through exploring university-enterprise cooperation and the convergence of industry and education. The Program will cultivate leading experts in the field of carbon neutrality with international vision, innovative spirit, and practical capabilities to provide technical support for policymaking, promote upstream and downstream industry chain cooperation.


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08:00 Group Highlights Golden Week 2024 Travel Shifts: Chinese Tourists Explore Beyond Capitals and Lesser-Known Options

  • Mid to high-star hotels drive consumption
  • Chinese travellers are seeking destinations beyond key capitals with a focus on lesser-known destinations 
  • Top outbound destinations are in APAC: Japan, Thailand, South Korea
  • European long-haul travel is up almost 30%, with multi-destination trips above the global average length of stay.    

SHANGHAI, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As millions of Chinese travellers prepare for the upcoming Golden Week holiday in October, Group's latest data reveals notable travel flows for their last major travel period of 2024. Already, the Group is witnessing hotel bookings peak in arrivals on October 1st – the day the holiday commences - with the average length of stays over seven days, as workers can enjoy a 10-day break by taking just two days off. Total booking growth for stays has also grown year-on-year.


High-Quality, Mid-Tier Stays Thrive

When it comes to travel costs, the top outbound destinations (Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, the UK, and the USA) have all seen a significant drop in average air ticket prices (including taxes). Travellers increasingly seek high-quality, mid-tier accommodation types. However, in Europe, year-on-year growth of 5-star hotel bookings was almost three times higher than in Asia-Pacific.

Long-Haul Destinations on the Rise, Visa Applications Surge

A significant shift towards long-haul destinations can be seen this year, with Australia, the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain topping the list of most sought-after long-haul destinations by Chinese travellers. Long-haul flights have seen an increase compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

European destinations like the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, and Italy are seeing significantly longer stays, surpassing 10 to 14 days.

Interestingly, in Europe, more than 30% choose multi-destination itineraries, reflecting a growing trend to maximise long-haul travel. Meanwhile, in Asia Pacific, nearly 80% of Chinese travellers opt for single-destination trips.

Additionally, travellers plan further in advance, with visa applications submitted an average of 68 days before the holiday—29 days earlier than last year. The top countries for National Day visa applications include Japan, South Korea, Australia, the United States, Vietnam, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain.

Lesser Known Destinations Spark Travel Flows in Europe and Asia

With overtourism as one of the challenges for key destinations around the world, Chinese travellers have increasingly been drawn to quieter, off-the-beaten-path locations this Golden Week. This is so particularly in the Asia-Pacific and Europe regions. 

Japanese cities off the main circuit of Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto, like Yokohama, Takayama and Ito, showed three-digit booking growth, underscoring this trend. Additionally, nature and wellness tourism saw a rise, with Phu Quoc Islands in Vietnam and the hot spring town of Higashiizu in Japan becoming popular for their scenic landscapes and wellness experiences.

European destinations such as Granada and Seville also captured significant attention, with a 260% and 144% rise in bookings, respectively, reflecting a desire for greater cultural and historical immersion beyond key capitals.

Concerts and Live Entertainment Fuel Tourism Charge

Live entertainment is playing a pivotal role in travel trends this season, with key concerts and events in the Asia-Pacific region happening during the October holiday. Moreover, over 75% of tourists visiting the APAC region are millennials, who have shown strong interest in events and concerts.

Around the holiday period, popular K-pop artists such as Taemin and Taeyang will captivate audiences in Hong Kong, alongside international acts such as John Legend and Ne-Yo. In Bangkok, girl group Aespa is a draw, while in South Korea, Busan's Festival Shiwol blends entertainment, culture, and business in a massive event expected to draw 450,000 visitors.

In Singapore, hotels within 3km of concert venues have experienced a 214% increase in unique views compared to those farther away, as tourists seek proximity to venues such as Singapore Indoor Stadium, Gateway Theatre, and Capitol Theatre, where major concerts are scheduled.

Cross-border Surge in Inbound Tourism

The growth rate of inbound tourism has also been encouraging, with an increase in bookings. 9 out of 10 of the top outbound destinations were also the top inbound source markets, highlighting the two-way nature between outbound and inbound tourism for China.

This year, Thailand and Singapore, both offering mutual visa exemptions with China, ranked third and fifth respectively in inbound tourism.

Overlapping in part with Golden Week, has also launched two tour routes for its Shanghai Express free layover tours initiative, enriching the travel experience for international passengers with transits of over 8 hours in Shanghai. It has launched a limited-time "Art & Culture Immersion Tour" from September 23 to October 6, an engaging journey through Shanghai's cultural landmarks, including the Shanghai World Expo Museum, the Dunhuang exhibition in the China Art Museum and "Old Shanghai" Alley 1192. It has also upgraded the "Local Lifestyle City Walk Tour" with stops such as Wukang Road and Wuzhong Market. Since its launch earlier this year, the initiative has successfully served over 3,000 tourists. Find out more about Shanghai Express tours.

About Group Group is a leading global travel service provider comprising of, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources, and an advanced transaction platform consisting of apps, websites and 24/7 customer service centres. Founded in 1999 and listed on NASDAQ in 2003 and HKEX in 2021, Group has become one of the best-known travel groups in the world, with the mission "to pursue the perfect trip for a better world". Find out more about Group here:

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