Instant News and Commentaries
CPIC Life (HK): Based in Hong Kong and Serving the Greater Bay Area via Upgrades of Products/ Services

SHANGHAI, Dec. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In December 2024, China Pacific Insurance Company(CPIC) celebrates the 15th anniversary of its H-share listing.

In mid-November 2021, China Pacific Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited ("CPIC Life (HK)") received the approval from the Hong Kong Insurance Authority to conduct long-term insurance business in Hong Kong, marking the official launch of the company. 

On the back of the brand and overall strength of CPIC Group (stock code: 02601.HK), its parent company, CPIC Life (HK) has been steadfast in pursuing value growth, focusing particularly on channel development to enhance its capacity for value-oriented business development: new business premiums grew by nearly 40 times in a space of two years; during the same period, new business value grew more than tenfold; total assets increased fourfold.

Continuous product innovation to meet customer needs

The company is committed to customer needs, offering a wide range of life insurance and wealth management products centering on the "Golden Triangle" of "health, retirement and wealth", which spans different stages of customers' life. It pursues product innovation and launched "Shidai Xinxiang", the first whole-life insurance product with increasing SA in Hong Kong, which is already a highly popular product type in the mainland. The new product provides more choices of protection to local customers and offers options of multiple currencies and policy inheritance to meet customer needs for flexibility.

The company upgrades its product offerings continuously to enhance their competitiveness. In June 2024, it launched "Shidai Yuexiang Savings Plan 2," which includes the option of "increasing withdrawal amounts", the first of its kind on the market. Take a five-year pay plan as an example, the withdrawal amount would increase by 2% annually starting from the sixth policy anniversary, helping customers manage inflation. The plan is also the first on the market to allow for "alternate beneficiaries". After the first policy anniversary, the primary beneficiary can designate up to two alternate beneficiaries, which helps to mitigate potential losses caused by his/her premature deaths and ensure a smooth wealth succession across generations.

In response to growing demand for health protection, CPIC Life (HK) debuted "Chang An Xin", a critical illness product with affordable premium and relatively extensive coverage. The plan includes payment of 300% of basic SA in the event of cancer. It also provides access to premium healthcare resources and networks of CPIC Group, including a VIP card for specialty drugs up to HKD12mn and additional cancer protection covering over 210 state-of-the-art cancer medications and medical devices around the world.

CPIC Premier Club: health and retirement solutions

Given its vision of "a life insurer with the best customer experience", in December 2022, CPIC Life (HK) established the "CPIC Premier Club" to realign resources across the mainland and Hong Kong and provide its members with professional retirement solutions and health management services. Gold members and above will be granted privileged access to "CPIC Home", i.e., they and their immediate family can apply for admission in any retirement community under CPIC Home that has opened for business. In a sense, one insurance policy now covers retirement of three generations. In October 2024, the company realised direct payment of retirement community expenses with insurance benefits on Hong Kong issued policies. Customers simply need to complete an authorization form and then the insurance benefits can be paid directly for expenses of retirement communities. The arrangement considerably streamlines the cumbersome procedures in cross-border payments and currency exchange. It is also part of the big effort to assist Hong Kong residents seeking to spend their retirement years in the mainland and ease the fiscal pressure on the Hong Kong government amid an aging population. By the end of 2024, nearly 200 eligible customers of the company received admission certificates of "CPIC Home", an indication of the success of its "products + service" strategy.

The company also diversified the suite of value-added services of the club, including CPIC Family Doctors, specialty drugs, CAR-T, proton-ion treatment, the "Longevity Retreat" home-based care, and immune-cell storage & therapy provided by Shanghai Cell Therapy Group, which helped to improve the health and well-being of its customers in an all-around manner.

Driving change via innovation and empowering services with technology

CPIC Life (HK) is committed to technological innovation, especially in terms of mobile on-line services. In late 2023, it successfully developed a mobile app which provides a wide range of services including policy inquiries, receipt notifications, and contact information updates. It plans to bind insurance policies to WeChat by the end of 2024, which will enable faster and easier access to policy and company information, further enhancing customer experience.

Winning A3 rating for the first time as well as many other awards/honours

CPIC Life (HK) received a vote of confidence on the international capital market for its operational and financial strength in October 2023, when Moody's Investor Services assigned it an A3 insurance financial strength rating with a stable outlook. It was the first time the company had received any ratings from the Moody's. Over the years, CPIC Life (HK) has won widespread recognition from the industry and other communities of Hong Kong, with multiple industry awards, including the "Excellence Award for Cross-Border Insurance Services" and the "Outstanding Innovation Service Award" from Bloomberg Businessweek (Chinese Edition), as well as "Outstanding Innovation Service Awards - Life Insurance - Health Insurance" and "Deferred Annuity Product of the Year Awards" from Hong Kong New City Finance Radio.

Fostering exchanges of Shanghai-based companies in Hong Kong and fulfilling corporate social responsibility

In 2024, the company coordinates multiple cultural and sports activities among peers, promoting exchanges and cooperation among Shanghai-based companies in Hong Kong, particularly financial institutions. It also strives to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, organizing volunteer activities such as distribution of meal boxes to underprivileged people in the community to contribute to a better society.

As an "outpost" of CPIC's internationalization strategy, CPIC Life (HK) will vigorously support national initiatives such as the Belt & Road and the Greater Bay Area. It will continue to innovate in products and services so as to meet customers' diverse needs for risk protection and wealth management and provide customers with "responsible, intelligent and caring" service.

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美國舊金山和中國蘇州2024年12月20日 /美通社/ -- 信達生物制藥集團(香港聯交所股票代碼:01801),一家致力於研發、生產和銷售腫瘤、自身免疫、代謝、眼科等重大疾病領域創新藥物的生物制藥公司宣布,新一代ROS1酪氨酸激酶抑制劑(TKI)達伯樂®(己二酸他雷替尼膠囊)的新藥上市申請(NDA)獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)批准上市,用於經ROS1-TKI治療後進展的ROS1陽性局部晚期或轉移性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)成人患者的治療。達伯樂®是信達生物第13款商業化產品,這一創新精准療法將惠及 ROS1突變的肺癌患者,並進一步加強信達生物在腫瘤精准治療領域的品牌和產品組合優勢。


本次獲批是基於一項臨床II期研究TRUST-I (NCT04395677) 的積極結果。該試驗是一項在中國開展的多中心、開放標簽、單臂試驗,旨在評估達伯樂®在中國ROS1陽性非小細胞癌患者中的的安全性、耐受性和療效。TRUST-I 臨床研究的結果於美國《臨床腫瘤學雜志》(Journal of Clinical Oncology, JCO)發表,並在2024年美國臨床腫瘤學會(ASCO)年會上以口頭報告的形式展示。臨床結果提示,特別在ROS1抑制劑經治的患者中,達伯樂®充分展現了對這一未滿足需求的治療潛力。[鏈接] 



信達生物制藥集團高級副總裁周輝博士表示:「他雷替尼在TRUST-I 臨床研究中表現出潛在同類最佳的療效和安全性。我們很高興達伯樂獲批上市,能為中國ROS1陽性的非小細胞肺癌患者臨床帶來創新精准療法。目前,信達生物在腫瘤精准治療領域擁有睿妥®、達伯坦®、達伯特®、達伯樂®等豐富產品線,是我們在腫瘤領域領先優勢和協同效應的又一強力體現。信達生物致力於推動更多創新藥物的盡早上市,惠及更多的生命。」


肺癌是全球發病率和死亡率最高的惡性腫瘤之一,其中NSCLC是最常見的病理類型,全球每年有超過一百萬人被診斷患有NSCLC,約占所有肺癌的85%。據估計,中國約2.6%的NSCLC患者的攜帶ROS1陽性基因[i]。在初治的轉移性ROS1陽性NSCLC患者中,高達35%的患者腫瘤已擴散到大腦(即發生腦轉移),而對於經第一代ROS1 TKI治療失敗的患者,發生腦轉移的比例增加至高達55%。盡管已有獲批ROS1-TKI藥物,但患者往往在接受治療後發生疾病進展。


他雷替尼是一種口服、強效、腦滲透、選擇性、新一代潛在最佳 的ROS1 抑制劑。他雷替尼正在兩項2期臨床研究中評估在 ROS1 陽性非小細胞肺癌患者中的作用,分別是在中國開展的臨床研究TRUST-I(NCT04395677) 和全球關鍵臨床研究TRUST-II (NCT04919811)。

2024年12月,達伯樂®獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)批准用於經ROS1-TKI治療後進展的ROS1陽性局部晚期或轉移性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)成人患者的治療;此外,他雷替尼第二項NDA在NMPA審評中,用於未經ROS1 TKI治療的局部晚期或轉移性ROS1陽性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)成人患者的一線治療。

他雷替尼於2022年被CDE授予突破性療法認定(BTD),用於治療既往經ROS1 TKI治療的晚期或轉移性ROS1陽性非小細胞肺癌成人患者以及未經ROS1 TKI治療的ROS1陽性非小細胞肺癌患者。 除此之外,他雷替尼還獲得美國FDA授予的用於治療 ROS1陽性非小細胞肺癌的孤兒藥認定(ODD)和突破性療法認定(BTD)。基於TRUST-I和TRUST-II研究結果,Nuvation Bio向美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)遞交他雷替尼的NDA,用於ROS1陽性晚期非小細胞肺癌患者的治療(不論治療線數,完全審批)。

2021年6月,信達生物與葆元醫藥— 現為Nuvation Bio (NYSE: NUVB) 旗下公司, 簽訂了獨家許可協議,在大中華區(包括中國大陸、香港、澳門和台灣)共同開發和商業化他雷替尼。


「始於信,達於行」,開發出老百姓用得起的高質量生物藥,是信達生物的使命和目標。信達生物成立於2011年,致力於研發、生產和銷售腫瘤、自身免疫、代謝、眼科等重大疾病領域的創新藥物,讓我們的工作惠及更多的生命。公司已有13個產品獲得批准上市,它們分別是信迪利單抗注射液(達伯舒®),貝伐珠單抗注射液(達攸同®),阿達木單抗注射液(蘇立信®),利妥昔單抗注射液(達伯華®),佩米替尼片(達伯坦®),奧雷巴替尼片(耐立克®), 雷莫西尤單抗注射液(希冉擇®),塞普替尼膠囊(睿妥®),伊基奧侖賽注射液(福可蘇®),托萊西單抗注射液(信必樂®), 氟澤雷塞片(達伯特®),匹妥布替尼片(捷帕力®)和己二酸他雷替尼膠囊(達伯樂®)。目前,同時還有4個品種在NMPA審評中,3個新藥分子進入III期或關鍵性臨床研究,另外還有17個新藥品種已進入臨床研究。

公司已與禮來、羅氏、賽諾菲、Adimab、Incyte和MD Anderson 癌症中心等國際合作方達成30多項戰略合作。信達生物在不斷自研創新藥物、謀求自身發展的同時,秉承經濟建設以人民為中心的發展思想。多年來,始終心懷科學善念,堅守「以患者為中心」,心系患者並關注患者家庭,積極履行社會責任。公司陸續發起、參與了多項藥品公益援助項目,讓越來越多的患者能夠得益於生命科學的進步,買得到、用得起高質量的生物藥。截至目前,信達生物患者援助項目已惠及17余萬普通患者,藥物捐贈總價值34億元人民幣。信達生物希望和大家一起努力,提高中國生物制藥產業的發展水平,以滿足百姓用藥可及性和人民對生命健康美好願望的追求。







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[i] Zhang et al. Prevalence of ROS1 fusion in Chinese patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Thorac Cancer. 2019 Jan;10(1):47-53.



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Innovent Receives Approval of DOVBLERON® (Taletrectinib Adipate Capsule, ROS1 Inhibitor) by China's National Medical Products Administration

SAN FRANCISCO and SUZHOU, China, Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovent Biologics, Inc. ("Innovent") (HKEX: 01801), a world-class biopharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and commercializes high quality medicines for the treatment of oncology, cardiovascular and metabolic, autoimmune, ophthalmology and other major diseases, today announced that China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) has approved a New Drug Application (NDA) of DOVBLERON ® (taletrectinib adipate capsule), a next-generation ROS1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic ROS1-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who have been previously treated with ROS1 TKIs. DOVBLERON® marks the 13th addition to Innovent's commercial portfolio, representing an innovative precision therapy expected to benefit more lung cancer patients alongside our strong TKI franchise.

Lung cancer continues to have one of the highest global incidences and mortality rates, with NSCLC accounting for about 85% of all cases. In China, it is estimated that approximately 2.6% of patients living with NSCLC are ROS1-positive[i]. Furthermore, brain metastases are a common challenge, affecting up to 35% of patients newly diagnosed with metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC, and increasing to as much as 55% of patients whose cancer has progressed following initial treatment. In addition, patients treated with approved ROS1 TKIs often develop resistance mutations to these therapies, representing a major limitation for patients in terms of duration of response. The approval of DOVBLERON® provides a new and effective treatment option for patients who are no longer responding to previously approved therapies.

The approval is based on positive results from the pivotal Phase 2 TRUST-I trial (NCT04395677), a multicenter, open-label, single-arm trial that evaluated taletrectinib in Chinese patients with advanced ROS1-positive NSCLC. The findings, presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO), demonstrated the potential of DOVBLERON® to address unmet needs, particularly in patients with limited therapeutic options after treatment with prior ROS1-targeted therapies. [Link]

In addition, a second NDA for DOVBLERON® was accepted and granted Priority Review Designation by China's NMPA in March 2024 for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC who have not previously been treated with ROS1 TKIs.

Caicun Zhou, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Department of Oncology at Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University, commented: "The treatment landscape for advanced ROS1-positive NSCLC remains challenging, especially for patients with brain metastases, who account for more than half of patients who have progressed following initial treatment with a ROS1 TKI, as well as those patients who develop resistance mutations. DOVBLERON® demonstrated significant therapeutic effects on brain lesions, as well as efficacy in crizotinib-resistant patients. Moreover, DOVBLERON® has a favorable safety profile and tolerability with low rates of dose reduction and treatment discontinuation due to adverse events. The efficacy and safety profile of DOVBLERON® offers a new hope for patients and I look forward to its benefit in the ROS1-positive NSCLC patients in China ."

Dr. Hui Zhou, Senior Vice President of Innovent, stated: "The approval of DOVBLERON® is a reflection of its potential best-in-class efficacy and safety profile, as demonstrated in the TRUST-I trial. We are delighted about the approval of DOVBLERON® and will bring this precision therapy to NSCLC patients who need novel treatment options. Innovent's robust TKI product pipeline—including RETSEMOV®, PEMAZYRE®, DUPERT® and DOVBLERON®—showcases our leadership and synergistic strengths in precision oncology. We endeavor to advance more innovative medicines to enhance patients' quality of life."

About ROS1-positive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Lung cancer continues to have one of the highest global incidences and mortality rates, with NSCLC accounting for about 85% of all cases. In China, it is estimated that approximately 2.6% of patients living with NSCLC are ROS1-positive Up to 35% of patients newly diagnosed with metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC have tumors that spread to their brain, increasing to as much as 55% for those whose cancer has progressed following initial treatment. Despite recent progress for patients with ROS1-positive NSCLC, there remains a need for more effective and tolerable treatment options.

About DOVBLERON® (Taletrectinib Adipate Capsule)

DOVBLERON® is an oral, potent, central nervous system-active, selective, next-generation ROS1 inhibitor specifically designed for the treatment of patients with advanced ROS1-positive NSCLC. Taletrectinib, the active ingredient in DOVBLERON® is being evaluated for the treatment of patients with advanced ROS1-positive NSCLC in two Phase 2 single-arm pivotal studies: TRUST-I (NCT04395677) in China, and TRUST-II(NCT04919811), a global study.

In December 2024, DOVBLERON® was approved by China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC who have previously been treated with ROS1 TKIs. In addition, a second NDA for taletrectinib was accepted and granted Priority Review Designation by China's NMPA for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC who have not previously been treated with ROS1 TKIs.

Taletrectinib has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of patients with ROS1-positive NSCLC and other NSCLC indications, and Breakthrough Therapy Designations by both the U.S. FDA and China's NMPA for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic ROS1-positive NSCLC. Based on pooled results of the TRUST-I and TRUST-II clinical studies, Nuvation Bio Inc. (NYSE: NUVB) submitted an NDA for taletrectinib to the U.S. FDA for the treatment of patients with advanced ROS1-positive NSCLC (line agnostic, full approval).

In June 2021, Innovent and AnHeart Therapeutics (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., a Nuvation Bio Inc. company, entered into an exclusive license agreement for the co-development and commercialization of taletrectinib in Greater China, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

About Innovent

Innovent is a leading biopharmaceutical company founded in 2011 with the mission to empower patients worldwide with affordable, high-quality biopharmaceuticals. The company discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes innovative medicines that target some of the most intractable diseases. Its pioneering therapies treat cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic, autoimmune and eye diseases. Innovent has launched 13 products in the market. It has 4 new drug applications under regulatory review, 3 assets in Phase III or pivotal clinical trials and 17 more molecules in early clinical stage. Innovent partners with over 30 global healthcare companies, including Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Incyte, Adimab, LG Chem and MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Guided by the motto, "Start with Integrity, Succeed through Action," Innovent maintains the highest standard of industry practices and works collaboratively to advance the biopharmaceutical industry so that first-rate pharmaceutical drugs can become widely accessible. For more information, visit, or follow Innovent on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend" and similar expressions, as they relate to Innovent, are intended to identify certain of such forward-looking statements. Innovent does not intend to update these forward-looking statements regularly.

These forward-looking statements are based on the existing beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, projections and understandings of the management of Innovent with respect to future events at the time these statements are made. These statements are not a guarantee of future developments and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond Innovent's control and are difficult to predict. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of future changes or developments in our business, Innovent's competitive environment and political, economic, legal and social conditions.


[i] Zhang et al. Prevalence of ROS1 fusion in Chinese patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Thorac Cancer. 2019 Jan;10(1):47-53.


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篤行十五載,揚帆向未來 -- 中國太保舉辦港股上市十五周年系列慶祝活動

上海2024年12月20日 /美通社/ -- 12月17日-18日,中國太保港股上市十五周年系列慶祝活動在港舉行。活動以投資論壇、答謝晚宴及交響音樂會等多元方式,回顧了中國太保三十三年來立足上海、服務全國的發展歷程以及令人矚目的成績。集團董事長傅帆出席系列活動,香港特別行政區財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇、香港中國企業協會名譽會長冷偉青等出席活動並致辭,奧運冠軍、游泳運動員張雨霏參加慶祝活動,並受邀成為「太保服務大灣區體驗官」。來自境內外多地的監管機構、行業協會、頭部險企、投資機構和戰略合作夥伴等受邀參加活動。





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15 Years of Steadfast Efforts, Building Blocks of the Future - CPIC celebrates 15th Anniversary of HKSE Listing

SHANGHAI, Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On December 17-18, CPIC hosted a series of events to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its listing in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The events, which included an investment forum, a gala dinner and a symphony concert, provided a multifaceted review of the company's journey in the past 33 years since its inception, establishing its foothold in Shanghai and serving around the country, as well as its remarkable achievements. CPIC Chairman Fu Fan attended the events. Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, Christopher HUI Ching-yu and Honorary President of Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association Leng Weiqing addressed the events. Olympic champion swimmer Zhang Yufei participated in the ceremony and was appointed as a "China Pacific Insurance Greater Bay Area Service Experience Officer". Representatives of many domestic and overseas industry supervisors and associations, major insurers, investment institutions and strategic partners participated in the events.

Since its establishment in 1991, CPIC is devoted to raising its capability of leveraging its long-term capital to serve the real economy, national strategy and people's well-being. In serving real economic development, it supported scientific innovation, high & new technology, and new enterprise in emerging sectors with its special expertise, aiming to build China into a country with strong scientific technology; Serving the "Belt & Road" national strategy, it provided up to 1 trillion yuan worth of risk protection for Chinese companies exploring overseas markets; Helping with the country's urbanization, it supported the country's major infrastructure construction projects with debt, equity, and asset management arrangements. In serving people's well-being, it provided inclusive commercial insurance, serious disease insurance and long-term nursing insurance, contributing to the formation of a multi-level medical protection system and providing targeted protection for special groups, such as young people and city migrants; Promoting rural invigoration, it continued to expand the coverage and protection level of its agriculture insurance services.

CPIC has always adhered to a customer-centric approach, providing a wide range of risk protection, wealth planning and asset management services to over 180mn customers. From 1991 to 2023, its annual operating income has risen from 260mn yuan to 303.95bn yuan; its total assets increased from 1.0bn yuan to 2.3 trillion yuan, with a secure market standing as a leading insurance group in China.

As a national stock-holding commercial insurance company, CPIC was born during the reform and opening up of the country. It actively participated in the opening up of the economy and embraced the international capital market. On December 23, 2009, CPIC was listed and traded on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, becoming the 2nd largest IPO in the Hong Kong market that year and 7th largest globally. Since its listing, the company's corporate governance has significantly improved in terms of internationalization, market-orientation and professionalism. Meanwhile, CPIC actively explored Hong Kong market layout and enhanced its major business capability in P/C insurance, life insurance and asset management, which, in turn, boosted its overall development.

Looking ahead, CPIC will persist in its core values of "integrity, prudence, excellence, innovation and win-win cooperation", devote itself to technology finance, green finance, pension finance, inclusive finance and digital finance, continue to support the real economy, serve people's well-being, and continue to increase strategic investment in the Greater Bay Area. CPIC will optimize its resources distribution and deepen its connection with Hong Kong's capital market and leverage Hong Kong as an international financial centre to forge ahead with our internationalization strategy. CPIC will accelerate the provision of cross-border pension insurance and health care, and make the communication and cooperation with all communities in Hong Kong wider and tighter in terms of catastrophe insurance, fin-tech, ESG and other emerging areas. The Company will stay committed to sound corporate governance and high-quality development, move firmly towards the vision of "a top-notch insurance financial group with international influence," and make even greater contribution to China's ambition to build itself into a financial powerhouse.  

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SMIC (00981.HK) Rockets 10%+, Rising for 3 Consecutive Trading Days

SMIC (00981.HK) has risen for three consecutive trading days. It opened 2.68% higher today (20th) and reached a peak of $28.95, busting above the 50-day MA. It last printed at $28.85, up 10.33%, on a volume of 185 million shares, involving $5.137 billion.

HUA HONG SEMI (01347.HK) last printed at $22, up 7.32%, on a volume of 27.9142 million shares, involving $599 million.

Previously, there were reports that the US Department of Commerce recently asked Nvidia (NVDA.US) to investigate how the company's products entered China over the past year. In addition, the US Senate released a report urging the government to allocate more resources to prevent China and Russia from acquiring advanced chips.

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BOCOMI Initiates Coverage on Nvidia (NVDA.US) w/ Rating Buy, TP US$170

BOCOMI issued a research report initiating coverage on Nvidia (NVDA.US) after not seeing a reason for the stock stop gaining market share, with rating at Buy and a target price of US$170.

The broker expected FY2024/ FY2025 non-GAAP EPS to be US$2.95/ US$4.32, respectively. The broker believed that the market's increased visibility of the Company's 2026 revenue and the emergence of the retail GPU business may be important catalysts for the stock price in the future.

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DJIA Ends Up 15 Pts; Nasdaq Down; Nvidia, Amazon Up 1%+

After a collapse on Wednesday following the Fed’s hawkish hint of a smaller interest rate cut in 2025, the three major US stock indexes on Thursday showed little rebound and finished lower. The DJIA, which tumbled 1,100 pts yesterday, rebounded 460 pts once in early trading before giving up the gains. It ended the day slightly higher, up 15 pts at 42,342, halting its 10-day losing streak.

The S&P 500 closed 5 pts or 0.1% lower at 5,867, while the Nasdaq fell 19 pts or 0.1% from a rise of nearly 1% to close at 19,372.

Techs jumbled. Nvidia (NVDA.US) and Amazon (AMZN.US) both rose more than 1%. Tesla (TSLA.US), which had picked up more than 3%, closed down 0.9%. Alphabet (GOOG.US) and Meta (META.US) dipped less than 1%. Apple (AAPL.US) added 0.7%.

Micron (MU.US) closed down 16% after reporting weak revenue guidance for the current quarter.

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Indie Wuxia Sandbox RPG, The Matchless Kungfu, Slashes Prices by 25% in Steam Winter Sale, Now with German and Russian Localization

SHANGHAI, Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Matchless Kungfu, the open-world sandbox martial arts game deeply inspired by Chinese cultural elements, is now available at a historic 25% off as part of the Steam Winter Sale. From now until January 2, 2025, players can experience its expansive martial arts adventure for just $14.99, down from the regular price of $19.99.

Developed by the passionate indie team HuanMos Game and published by Bilibili HK Limited, The Matchless Kungfu invites players to step into the shoes of their own martial arts hero in a world full of endless possibilities. Explore vast wildernesses, lead your martial sect, or carve out a personal legend in a living, breathing landscape. With no rigid paths or predefined roles, players are free to choose their own destiny - become a master martial artist, build a powerful clan, or simply live a peaceful life. Whatever path you take, the world adapts to your decisions, making every playthrough a unique experience.

Since its reveal at The Game Awards 2023 and its release on November 5, 2024, with its 1.0 version, The Matchless Kungfu has earned accolades for its immersive gameplay, swiftly climbing to become one of Steam's top-selling early access games in November, while maintaining a 85% Very Positive rating from players to date.

Run, Fight, and Outwit: Qinggong and Verbal Combat System

Drawing from the rich traditions of wuxia, The Matchless Kungfu grants players the mystical art of Qinggong, enabling them to run across water or scale sheer cliffs, imbuing the world with a sense of boundless freedom. This freedom extends into the combat system - players begin with five basic attacks - fist, kick, palm, weapon, and throwable - and unlock powerful special moves as they progress. The unique "verbal combat" system adds another layer of strategy, allowing players to outwit enemies with clever rhetoric and turn the tide of battle without lifting a finger.

Construct, Interact, and Prosper: The Homestead System

Beyond combat, The Matchless Kungfu offers a rich homestead system where players can build everything from homes and taverns to stables and jails. Whether you're crafting your dream home, taming wild beasts, or establishing a thriving business, every building has a unique purpose that contributes to your growing influence in the world. NPCs aren't just bystanders - they actively interact with your creations, buying goods, working in your businesses, and bringing your world to life with dynamic, ever-evolving relationships.

The Journey So Far and What's to Come

The release of The Matchless Kungfu 1.0 is a significant milestone, made possible by the valuable feedback and support from the community. With the addition of Russian and German translations, the team continues to bridge the linguistic divide, making the game accessible to a global audience and inviting players worldwide to live in the world of Chinese martial arts.

The Matchless Kungfu, offering a rich sandbox experience in a wuxia-inspired world with a 3D ink wash art style, is now available on Steam with a 25% discount. Players can join the official Discord, and follow the game's X to share build guides, participate in community events, and get early access to upcoming updates. 

About Bilibili Games

Bilibili Games, a subsidiary of Bilibili Inc. (NASDAQ: BILI, HKEX: 9626), is a game developer and publisher delivering interactive experiences to gamers worldwide. With a growing portfolio that includes mobile hits like Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade, Fate/Grand Order, and indie titles such as Warm Snow and Magicraft, Bilibili is also home to a vast online community centered around anime, comics, and gaming, attracting millions of active users each month. Bilibili continues to create content that resonates across diverse cultural landscapes, fostering meaningful connections with audiences through various forms of entertainment.

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XIAOMI-W Indirectly Denies Poaching Tesla Shanghai Plant Manager

In response to rumors that Song Gang, VP of Tesla Giga Shanghai, may be joining Xiaomi Auto, Wang Hua, General Manager of the Public Relations at XIAOMI-W (01810.HK), responded on Weibo saying that Song is indeed a great plant manager, but Ji Guowei, the director of Xiaomi's auto factory, is also excellent enough to be the plant manager of Xiaomi Auto.

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